About us

Who we are

Urbensis is a group of architects that works closely with the trades and industrialists involved in the construction process. We specialize in carrying out architectural projects, ranging from technical development to the execution of the work.

Our design philosophy is based on the creation of precise architecture, nourished by an authentic understanding of the cultural, ecological and economic characteristics of each location.

This meticulous approach results in buildings that integrate naturally into their environment, strengthening the ties between architecture and the context in which they are inserted. The end result of our efforts is the creation of spaces that not only meet functional and aesthetic needs, but also foster a deep identification by users with their closest environment.

Our History

Urbensis was founded by Manuel Navarro Zornoza in 2013. In a short time, the company stood out for its ability to develop distinctive and unique architectural projects.

Throughout its formative years, Urbensis distinguished itself for the execution of projects on various scales, ranging from urban plans for new cities to the creation of single-family homes. The company’s versatility was also manifested in the conversion of industrial buildings and the rehabilitation of historic buildings.

In recent years, Urbensis has established itself as a benchmark in the development and delivery of architectural projects, specializing with emphasis on turnkey projects. This duality of operating locally with rich international experience has been fundamental to the formation of our working method: a collaborative effort of professionals guided by shared technical, economic and aesthetic principles.

Manuel Navarro Zornoza

Founding architect

Manuel is an architect with an innate passion for the three essential pillars of the art of building: architecture, construction and real estate development. His academic career began in Madrid, where he graduated as an architect, and expanded to London, where he prolonged his horizons as an urban planner at the Architectural Association School of Architecture. His training was consolidated with knowledge in real estate management at the prestigious ESADE business school.

Throughout his career, he has had the honour of collaborating with visionary architects such as Sir Richard Rogers and Ricardo Bofill, allowing him to gain fundamental knowledge and develop a deep understanding of the profession. These enriching experiences inspired him to found Urbensis, where architectural creativity, construction efficiency and a perceptive real estate vision converge.

In a world saturated with repetitive and uninspiring structures, there arises a need to reject monotony and embrace an architectural vision that not only challenges conventionalism, but also forges a more authentic bond with the user and the city we serve. Given this objective, Manuel relies on the figure of the architect not only to build the architectural vision but also to be part of the developer team.


Urbensis specializes in providing comprehensive solutions ranging from architectural design to complete project execution. For this we provide the following services:


– Drafting of all project documentation: Concept, Schematic, Design Development and Construction Drawings 

– Construction Supervision

– Construction and industrial coordination

– Turnkey renovation and construction service






Some of our clients